Housing-related Support

Supported accommodation for homeless adults in Herefordshire.

The Herefordshire Housing-related support service is for vulnerable adults aged 18+ who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. In addition to supported accommodation, the service can provide advice and support for tenancy issues, housing rights & homelessness, budgeting & benefit take-up, housing-related debt, training & employment and social & community inclusion.
Residents may have complex needs, including ex-offenders and people with substance misuse or mental health needs. The service helps turn people's lives around by offering an alternative to homelessness services, and it supports the development of life skills. Tailored support packages, developed and delivered in conjunction with a range of key partners, will support a move back to independent living and integration within the community.
Tailored support packages, with an understanding of the housing market, will be developed to assist customers in the community to maintain or secure suitable accommodation.

The service offers 31 units of supported accommodation in 2 block units, plus several units of dispersed accommodation across the county.

Referrals to the Accommodation-based service are made exclusively by Herefordshire Council Housing Options team.

PLEASE NOTE: For the housing-related FLOATING SUPPORT service, please make referrals via Connexus. Click Here to go to the Connexus referral portal.