Know Your Patch

Supporting older and vulnerable people to maintain independence and wellbeing in Tewkesbury.

Know Your Patch (KYP) Networks are an initiative set up by Gloucestershire County Council and based in each district of Gloucestershire hosted by local organisations.
CCP hosts the Know Your Patch Network for Tewkesbury District. KYP is a multi-sector network for anyone involved in the adult social care field, supporting older and vulnerable people to maintain independence and wellbeing.
These networks help connect VCSE and statutory organisations together for effective partnership working. Members of the network will be invited to a variety of meetings, receive regular email bulletins containing useful local information and be able to network with other organisations.
The Tewkesbury Know Your Patch Network wants to connect with many different organisations in the local area, and as a member you will be able to contribute to meaningful discussions about the great work taking place across Tewkesbury.
If you would like to sign up to our Tewkesbury Know Your Patch Network, please EMAIL US AT
If you would like to know more about KYP networks in other districts, please visit the Know Your Patch website.